Deepening your knowledge of your best qualities and those of others

Cultivating strengths awareness and strengths use to create positive life changes

Boosting mindfulness as an always-available approach to use in life

Offering concrete practices to boost happiness and manage stress and difficulties

Mindfulness-Based Strengths Practice

A live, 8-week evidence-based program provides you with practical tips and techniques to use mindfulness and strengths to flourish, enhance well-being, improve relationships and manage life problems and challenges.

MBSP is created by Dr. Ryan Niemiec, Education Director of the VIA Institute.

Program Preview: What’s Inside

The program includes 8 training sessions and 1 half-day retreat in the week between Session 6 and Session 7 for everyday mindful living – exploring mindfulness in daily conversation, eating, walking, sitting, reflecting, and the nuances therein.

Session 1: Mindfulness and Autopilot

Insights and change opportunities start with mindful attention.

SESSION 2: Signature Strengths, Character Strengths

You can find greater well-being, engagement, and meaning by using your highest strengths.

SESSION 3: Obstacles and Struggles are Opportunities

Learn how to take a strengths mindset with life challenges and your meditation practice.

SESSION 4: Mindful Living, with Strengths

Any action (walking, eating, driving, etc.) has the potential to be infused with the energy of mindfulness and the energy of character strengths.

SESSION 5: Strengthen Your Relationships

Mindful attending can nourish two types of relationships: relationships with others and your relationship with yourself.

SESSION 6: The Golden Mean

Mindfulness helps you discover optimal strengths use to reframe opportunities, problems and life challenges.

SESSION 7: Authenticity and Goodness

Are you working toward becoming better at “being you” (authenticity) or are you focused on becoming a “better person” (goodness)?

SESSION 8: Your Engagement with Life

Learn how to stick with practices that have been working well and watch your mind’s tendency to revert back to automatic habits that are deficit-based, unproductive, or ultimately self-defeating.

Cette Formation Est Pour Qui

Anyone interested in learning how to blend mindfulness and character strengths—two practices, each historically rooted in philosophy, theology, psychology and other disciplines—to create a holistic, positive approach to improve well-being and happiness.

Teachers, managers, coaches, and counselors may find it particularly beneficial to experience and develop their own practice of mindfulness and strengths before attempting to teach mindfulness/strengths to others.

Snippet from the program

Copyright notice: The information on this page is from the VIA Institute On Character.

Quoi de spécial de nous

Nous intégrons l'approche scientifique (intelligence émotionnelle, neurosciences, réduction du stress, psychologie positive et pleine conscience) et la sagesse contemplative (en particulier la pleine conscience dans la tradition du maître zen Thich Nhat Hanh) pour rendre le programme aussi rigoureux que profond.


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